Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Finding Out About Quotas Decades Later

One of my class members said to me, “Joan, how did you always feel about the Jewish quota when you were there?” and I said, very innocently (now remember, I was in my 40’s at the time), “What Jewish quota?” That's how naïve I was. I subsequently then found out through research with people at other colleges that yes, we had the 10% quota. Other people seemed to know about it. I didn't know about it. If my parents knew about it, they never said a word. They were just happy that we had this wonderful education. Bryn Mawr had it. Everybody must have known it at the time. We just didn't know it, but that’s what it was, just normal. It was like the old movie, The Gentleman's Agreement, with Jews traveling around the country not being admitted to hotels and restaurants. You couldn't find anything in writing. You couldn't prove it in writing. It was a gentleman's agreement.

-Joan Wohl

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