Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Collecting for the Allied Jewish Appeal – Joan Wohl

They wanted to know if I would collect for the Allied Jewish Appeal. [They said] that it would give me an
opportunity to find these young women and tell them about the Jewish communities out there in Philadelphia. I was given a list at that time, and I remember being shocked at seeing all these names. Not that there were a lot of them, but certainly more than 20 or 30 names on the campus. That was a surprise to me. I went around and people gave $1.00. The biggest one was like $5.00, but that was the normal for the regular community. Most, in my recollection (It's been so long ago) didn't
want to do anything. Maybe they came from families that were not committed to fundraising for world
Jewry or the poor in their community. It could be. I remember getting very negative responses, but I was
very happy with what I did get. I turned the money over and they never asked me again. I think it was
just that one year.

-Joan Wohl 

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