Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Chloe Garrell

Chole Garrell is a member of the class of 1954. She is originally from Portchester, New York and currently lives in New York City. At Bryn Mawr she was a political science major and lived in Pembroke East. She is first generation American and was the first woman in her family to go away to college. After graduating Bryn Mawr, she continued her interest in politics and served on the Board of Education in Fairfield Connecticut when she lived there. She was also involved with libraries and the League of  Women Voters, and has moderated political debates. 

Chloe's Yearbook Entry

"A Cornell sweatshirt entered. Chloe had problems: 
Her door was never shut nor her books opened. 
Today they'd forced her to the library—
But it was hard to focus on politics, 
with the Joy of Cooking waiting to be used." 

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