Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Susan Band Horwitz

Susan Band Horwitz is a member of the class of 1958. She is originally from Winthrop, Massachusetts and currently lives in New York City. At Bryn Mawr she was a biology major and lived in Rhoads. After Bryn Mawr, Susan got a PhD in biochemistry at Brandeis and then transitioned to pharmacology at Tufts. Her research into anti-tumor drugs has been very influential. Susan has remained close with many of her friends from Bryn Mawr to this day and spoke with them about their experiences before doing her oral history.

Susan's Yearbook Entry

"Susan Toby Band is a petite hothouse flower who is constantly searching for warmth. Guardian of the corridor, with a fierce "Quite, please," Susan Toby spends her less serious moment enriching the English language with fantastic nicknames for her friends and ditties for all know objects, "Have You Ever Been In Love With a Washing Machine?" The approaching weekend finds Susan Toby emerging, a social butterfly, from her Dalton Cocoon." 

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