Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Put Off By The Synagogue I Visited

I do remember we went off  for, I guess it was Rosh Hashanah maybe it was Yom Kippur. Anyway, it was High Holidays. We went off to a synagogue in whatever neighboring town it was, I can't remember now, and we were upset that they were asking for money. Which, of course, is what synagogues do, I've now learned but I guess mine hadn't done it on the High Holidays. We were very indignant about that. I did go off to a synagogue. I think that was the only year I ever went to services at Bryn Mawr, my freshman year. I don't think I went again. Unless I was home for the holidays then I would go.

You just were put off by the synagogue?
Yeah, but also just, I wasn't that religious, I had other priorities. I went probably because my friends were gonna go.

Do you know if your friends continued to go after that freshman year?
No, I think I probably would have gone with them if they had.

-Betsy Levin

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