This content was created by Alicia Peaker. The last update was by Anna-Alexandra Fodde-Reguer.
Cadbury Chinese Poster CollectionMain MenuIntroduction to the Collectionintroducing the collectionView the Cadbury Chinese Poster Collectionslide showWilliam Warder Cadbury in ChinaWho collected the posters and why?TimelineA helpful timeline for historical contextThe New Print Culture of 20th Century Shanghaistudent essay“HC2016-590: Gongchandang shi xin di guo zhu yi de zou gou!”: Evidence of the KMT-CPC Splitstudent essay"HC2016-574: qian nian de ‘wu sa’!" Analysisstudent essay"HC2016-577: ge ming hua bao : "san ba" te kan" and the Role of Chinese Womenstudent essayBibliography
HC2016-579: ge ming hua bao, di wu shi yi qi 革命畫報, 第五十一期
12018-08-31T16:07:30+00:00Alicia Peaker14f621fb2a70d659e17b3d56249cbca7a6c17f08902Revolutionary Political pictorial, Number 51, May 14, 1927. Huangpu Military Academy. (at upper right) zhong yang jun shi zheng zhi xue xiao zheng zhi bu chu ban 中央軍事政治學校政治部出版plain2018-09-06T17:45:41+00:0022.619168, 120.365652You Ming1927paperWilliam Warder Cadbury collection (MC 1192), Quaker & Special Collections, Haverford College, Haverford, PAPosters This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.HC2016-57915.354 in (39 cm)21.26 in (54 cm)ChinaAnna-Alexandra Fodde-Reguerf3fd1315bd22e784fbf1b649acbc79de59b6148c
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12018-07-16T13:35:32+00:00Anna-Alexandra Fodde-Reguerf3fd1315bd22e784fbf1b649acbc79de59b6148cView the Cadbury Chinese Poster CollectionAnna-Alexandra Fodde-Reguer2slide showstructured_gallery2020-02-20T19:05:50+00:00Anna-Alexandra Fodde-Reguerf3fd1315bd22e784fbf1b649acbc79de59b6148c