Mid Century Jewish Mawrtyrs

Tension at the College News

I felt a little tension about the people I admired and who were working on the newspaper when I got there. Some of them were clearly [PAUSE] they clearly had a problem with my being Jewish, which I put down to social snobbery. They were very old family, WASPy people [LAUGHS]. I did notice that. But I didn't get the idea that there was a lot of antisemitism there. This one woman [Isota Epps Tucker] would talk about her social standing and her family history, mainly her family history, you know. She'd make it a little too clear that I could never aspire to anything like that. I don't know, you sniff it out, [LAUGHS]. I can tell you that she was the only person I noticed that from. I don't think there's so many people like that.

-Joan Scheuer

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