Task! Write some CSS

After HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the most crucial language for a front-end web developer because it determines how your content looks. To complete this task, you’ll need to write some CSS into WordPress

From scratch

  • Read this brief introduction to CSS before you get started
  • You can input CSS into the “Additional CSS” option in the “Appearance -> Customize” section available on the Dashboard
  • You can also add CSS to an individual page by going onto a page or post and in the “Block” section of the righthand toolbar under “Advanced” you can add Additional CSS class(es).
  • Read this post for more information on CSS in WP https://wordpress.com/support/editing-css/
  • As an example you can try
h1 {
  color: blue;

Want to do more? Read through this guide to web design in 4 minutes for additional style declarations you use, or look at this CSS reference for a long list of properties that can be changed. To practice selecting specific html elements (and accomplish another task while you’re at it), play the CSS Diner Game!