Task! Add Site Icon!

Another way you can customize your WordPress Site is to add a Site Icon, which is an image that appears next to your website title when it is opened in a browser. (I.e. when you have this blogpost open, when you look at the tab you see a small image of an Owl next to the title of the browser!)

You can add a Site Icon by going to your dashboard, head to the left-hand sidebar, and head down to Appearances.

When you hover over the word Appearances, several options will pop-up to the right side of the word. From those options, click on Customize.

Once there, you are taken to a page that shows you the current state of your blog’s homepage and on the left side you will see an option under My Blog and Active Theme, there is an option called Site Identity.

Once you click on sight identity, you will be taken to another set of options, and at the very bottom you will find the option of selecting a site icon.

From there you can upload any icon you want! But remember: Site Icons should be square and at least 512 x 512 pixels!