Children of Chernobyl: Revitalizing through Street Art

Although Pripyat, the city nearest to the Chernobyl disaster, has been abandoned by its citizens, the city carries on. It does so partly through artists’ street art murals. Street art is meant to be viewed, and keeping in mind the fact that Pripyat is a subject of political and social discourse, the artists most likely intend to convey a message about Pripyat’s history. There are certain themes, such as shadows of people and children, found among the murals that the artists lhope visitors to Pripyat will reflect upon.

View the project in ArcGIS Storymaps

Vladimir Soto-Avina ‘23 intends on majoring in Computer Science and is from Denver, CO.

RUSS043 Chernobyl: Nuclear Naratives and the Environment, Swarthmore College, Spring 2020